Autoencoders safari: simple implementations of three different types of convolutional autoencoders
- 1 minRecently I was trying to implement a convolutional conditional variational autoencoder. There are multiple implementations and resources of different types of autoencoders around, but I couldn’t find a resource with multiple implementation of different convolutional autoencoders. After reading a couple of articles, tutorials and implementations, I decided to write three simple notebooks to show how to implement convolutional autoencoders, a convolutional autoencoders safari.
In these three notebooks you will find:
- A simple convolutional autoencoder, with some visualizations of the latent space and the different layers. CAE notebook
- A convolutional variational autoencoder, with a simple implementation of the reparametrization trick, a generator to draw new samples and some visualizations of the latent space. CVAE notebook
- A convolutional conditional variational autoencoders, with also a simple implementation of a generator to draw samples for a desired class. CCVAE notebook
Link of the repo: